Wednesday, November 6, 2013
The bitch is back
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
My Bucket Runs Over
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
She's Back

I needed a vacation from the thoughts. Didn’t really want to think about being peppy or Sally share all! I blog to be pithy and light. Frankly the few who read this don’t need to hear me scream ala Nancy Kerrigan , “Why me!!!” Have the past few months had changes, been difficult, trying, taxing, etc…why yes; yes they have. Taking some time to reflect away from das blog was for the best. Who likes a spiteful bitch?
All said, things are finally on the upside of anger. The five second recap goes as follows: Husband and child are both present and accounted for. Roof, jobs, and food all covered. Heath is at a strong 75%. Family of 3 moving onward to 2012!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
To Grandmothers House We Went
A bomb pop is a vital part of any food pyramid.
We made it back from Boston is one piece. Whit flew like a business class pro. When we landed on the ground a small riot due to the extreme cuteness.
Grammy and Grandpa battled for 5 days but, sadly Grandpa may have one this battle. Grammy is already plotting her rematch. Despite these two forces Aunt Shan also made a strong campaign and could be a write in winner! All and all it was great to be with family.
The only craptastic part of the trip is Whit was sick. Boyfriend had strep, ear infection, and thrush ( thank you to mother of sick child who decided to send their germs the week before our mini vaca. i hope to repay you with a muffin basket full of chicken pox.) I give Whit some major props for remaining happy despite such major issues.
Things were kept pretty low key. No big ventures to the city or cape. Chris and I had a mini date out. Took Whit to a local zoo and were attacked by mini goats.
Happy to be home and feeling better.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Big Ole' Jet airliner
Ready for take off????
I hope I registered for a baby parachute cause Whitter is going on his first plane. Our family is flying to MA to see Grammy, Grandpa TK, and Auntie Shan. Needless to say everyone in the southern fraction of Club Kilcoyne is pumped for our big adventure. Despite our excitement I can't help wondering what fun awaits us at TSA.
Will Whit be felt up? Does he have to take his shoes off at security? Am I ready to embrace being "those" parents in the airport? Right now my fingers are crossed for pity. Pity from folks that see us with our super cute kiddo. They'll say things like, "Go on the plane first" and "Please cut in line everywhere." Actually I'm pretty positive that peeps will be giving us a hardcore case of the stank eye! Got a hunch we're going to be THOSE dreaded people.
I've come to terms with the fact that we are going to look like a 3 ring circus. Chris will be the sherpa and I will act as security for child and valuables like goldfish crackers. Think I've got my basics covered like a Maclaren, car seat carrier, baby bags, carry on, and enough puff's to bust the 50lb checked bag fee.
Wish us luck and pray Whit's third word isn't something like boom or bomb.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Snap Happy
snaps and claps to Whit P for sleeping till 5AM last night! No crying, no fighting, and we all woke up happy.
snaps and claps to my paycheck. I love you and miss you. Why do you only come every two weeks?
snaps and claps to a BJ's membership. Applestraws in bulk are worth the price of admission.
snaps and claps to Cracker Barrel corn muffins. I ate 3 of them for dinner last night. I am not embarrassed or ashamed to own it.
snaps and claps to having a niece this week. I hope she understands that I am the best Aunt ever . Mainly because I am the only Aunt she has! Isabella welcome to the block.
boo and hiss for debating the length of shorts. is this length mom? if i bend can you see my chunky post prego thighs? praise be to J.Crew for offering three various lengths that come in prostatot, aging gracefully, and senior center. Obviously I've selected the aging gracefully length.
boo and hiss for medical bills. I knew my husband was crazy kidding! Did we really need the CT and MRI to tell us that?
boo and hiss because my cats refuse to use a scratching post. Our new sectional sofa doesn't need to look like swiss cheese care of Baxter paws! We literally have a tree trunk in our house in the hope to lure the cats away from puff goodness.
Merry Friday and a Happy Weekend.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
I love watching Ina Garten on the Food network. She makes some highly yummy dishes. However, after watching a marathon session in bed I got curious about her relationship with her husband Jeffery. Why does he stay in the city all week? Does she only feed the man roast chicken? Is Jeffery using Ina as his beard? Too many deep thoughts for meringue making!
Ina reminds me a little too much of Kathy Bates from Misery. Maybe she has Jeffery chained to a bed. Food induced confinement? I could seriously see this woman force feeding Jeffery a stuffed capon and Herb de Provence!