I'm over resolutions. Realistically all a resolution does is map out something I won't accomplish. Frankly, I should resolve to do and be many things! All said I can't commit to a solid resolution. It doesn't mean I am anti goals or achievements. Instead I've made a 2012 bucket list. A goal based list that isn't a massive commitment. If I check each item off then snaps but, props to me if I get one completed. No over arching sweeping statements to hold this gal back! Below is a sample of my bucket.
- make real deal chicken fried steak with homemade white pan gravy
- go on a vacation with just my husband
- don't read any baby news articles (IE Babycenter / Parents newest feature on why your toddler hates you)
- trash old bill statements
- read one magazine each month in total peace
- break down and buy the $8 buck cup of Starbucks without feeling shitty
- give Whit cake for dinner and enjoy a slice with him
- hang our family pictures / print out our pictures
- do something (anything) without a plan
- buy one grocery load all organic
- go to a country concert
These are from the shallow end of my bucket. I do have some deeper items but, I don't think they need to be shared amongst the class.
If you are resolving than best wishes. I just hope to make a few drips in my bucket!