Whit is 7 months today. I am in shock that my baby is slowly becoming a boy. I am determined to find Rick Moranis and have him shrink my kiddo forever!
Current Whitisms include:
He can give a big wet kiss, high five, and a sorta kinda almost there hug
He can give a big wet kiss, high five, and a sorta kinda almost there hug
He can sit by himself and gets down into a crawling position.
Chris swears he hears him say dada. I swear he is crazy because Whit would only say mama.
He likes to babble to anyone but, mostly Baxter cat.
At the babysitter each morning he gets a thrill out of the little kids playing.
Whit is wearing a size 12 months. Obviously, meals are important.
He can stand and hold onto something or someone. Not pulling up yet but, trying. Better at banging head into things while attempting.
Whit loves Baxter cat and hates Gretchen cat. The feeling is mutual with Gretchen.
Little dude has two chompers and is in the process of cutting his third.
Loves his walker and has just started stepping forward.
His favorite toy is our phone. When he is fussy I’ll call anyone to have them talk. This instantly calms him down.
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