When did we all become old? I want to know the moment it happened. Just to clarify, I’m not talking rocking chair on a front porch old but, I have a mortgage / family car old! Our lives went from St. Elmo’s to The Big Chill in the blink of an eye. Rob Lowe; can you hear me? Suddenly there are well baby visits, aging parents, job stress, bills, a house, etc and so on. Sometimes I wish I could blink and be knees deep in stale basement beer, spiking a Sonic drink, or singing stupid sorority songs. Instead we are life improving, soul searching, or just trying to manage.
To the ladies who are maturing with me, I dedicate this post to you. We’ve seen a lot and continue to go through the trenches. I’ve opted to put the “big girl pants” on hold for a few hours. I’ll look at my photo albums and probably send you some sappy stupid text! Gals I love you everyday but, today feels extra special.
"Our lives went from St. Elmo’s to The Big Chill in the blink of an eye." What a great line! Can we go back to that sticky-floored basement, and pink to drink party...please!! haha