What exit?

Every day when I drive home from work I scan the XM stations. I always pause on Bruce Springsteen radio. My hope is Born to Run will be on and I can crank it. 9 out of 10 times the song isn’t on but, I live for the 1 instance. For some odd reason I can picture my life in the lines. I see growin up in Ocean City, driving to college,Chris and I dating, getting married, having Whit, Whit’s first steps to graduation to his wedding. The lyrics don’t necessarily reflect these milestones but, I can literally hear and vision my life. There is never any bad but, just sweetness. I don’t think about sleepless nights, budgets, or a dirty house. For few minutes I embrace a wonderful poetic snap shot of my husband and son. I guess the song is my own personal love letter.
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