Totally copied one of my new favs,
KLaw. Her blog is real and awesome. Makes me feel like a "normal" mama!
Snaps and Claps care of Elle Woods
Snaps and Claps to finally learning how to do a proper blow out. My hair has looked great twice this week! Questionable to the other 5 days.
Snaps and Claps to date night. Chris and I had an adult conversation while consuming food. No picking up board books, rattles, or napkin chewing.
Snaps and Claps to Whit having his 1st date. Boyfriend worked on his fitness at the Little Gym while trying to grope his little lady friend Ella. Whit has zero game.
Snaps and Claps to actually going to Church. We did it God. Hopefully lighting won't strike me down.
Snaps and Claps to Beth taking over the west coast! I'll be the Audrinna to your LC. Proud of ya bestie.
Boo and Hiss
Boo and Hiss to loosing sleep. Whit Patrick, I know you love me. Do you really need to see me at 3 AM?
Boo and Hiss to unpacking summer clothes. I wish my drawers would fill themselves. Mary Poppins are you free?
Boo and Hiss to lots of crappy people. Yes, I am talking about you annoying $ store employee and person who said I was like Sarah Palin. I want 3 balloons and I can't see Russia from Ashland.
Boo and Hiss to not finding a swimsuit. The post baby body is an evil thing. I guess my real hate should be directed at gravity.
Boo and Hiss gravity...