Thursday, April 14, 2011

every rose has a thorn

Sorry to be so blah in my last post. I think I just needed to let out a good helping of verbal crap! Things are going much better at Club Kilcoyne.

A friend of mine list out her Roses and Thorns of the week. Kinda like the good v. the ugly. Thought it might by cool to try.

Sunshine fabulousness

Rose: Biscoff Spread! Tasty deliciousness gifted by co-worker in hour of need. Spread is so yummy and taste like a peanut butter gingerbread man. I'm in love

Rose: Broke down and bought the baby Rolls Royce of umbrella strollers. I heart my new Maclaren. Whit loves the freedom of being able to access / snack on his feet at will.

Rose: Whit feeding himself yogurt bites and crawling backwards. I did the mom happy dance for both events.

Rose: Everyone in my house being healthy for 10 days!!!

Now for the craptacular

Thorn: My lawn looks like the rain forest. We've paid a lawn service for 2 months and the weeds are still invading.

Thorn: Pollen. It is green. My car is white. My nose was normal now it's not.

Thorn: Nagging my husband about taking his new meds. Trying to be less (s)mother like.

Thorn: My DVR erased The Vampire Diaries!! I need some Damon stat.

Anyone else feeling rosy??

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